Rubbenson Professional Institute-Accra

Paiement des frais et processus étape par étape pour télécharger votre reçu depuis votre ordinateur ou votre téléphone:


Uploading Files from a Phone:

Step 1: Tap the Upload Button

Step 2: Select the File
The phone’s file explorer will open, showing your recent files and folders.

Step 3: Choose the File
Navigate to the location where the file is stored on your phone.
Tap on the file you want to upload.

Step 4: Start the Upload
After selecting the file, tap on the “Upload” or “Open” button in the file explorer.
The upload process will begin.

Step 5: Wait for Upload to Complete

Uploading Files from a Computer:

Step 1: Open File Upload Interface

Go to the website or platform where you want to upload the file.
Click “Upload” button.

Step 2: Select the File

A file explorer window will appear. Navigate to the location on your computer where the file is stored.

Step 3: Choose the File

Select the file you want to upload by clicking on it once.
If you want to upload multiple files, hold down the “Ctrl” key (or “Cmd” key on Mac) while clicking on each file.

Step 4: Start the Upload

Once you have selected the file(s), click on the “Open” button in the file explorer window.

Step 5: Wait for Upload to Complete

Preuve de Paiement

Veuillez télécharger votre reçu de paiement

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